Donations & Fundraising

Fundraise and Take Donations with Ease and Speed, from Anywhere

charities & non profitsCreated with Sketch.

Charities & Non-profits

Schools & CollagesCreated with Sketch.

School & Colleges

Places of worshipCreated with Sketch.

Places of Worship

GroupsCreated with Sketch.

Groups & Communities


No Add-on Credit Card Reader Necessary

When you Need More than an add-on Credit Card Reader, But Less than a full Donation System.


A credit card and mobile app payment cellular terminal that fits in your pocket!


With the option of Quick Pay, your patrons checkout with one tap of a screen.

Low, Low Rates

No-markup processing fees gets you amongst the best in the industry.

Slim & Sleek Device

A cellular plus wifi payment terminal that accepts Tap, Dip and Swipe credit cards and mobile app payments.
Visa Created with Sketch.
mastercard-2 Created with Sketch.
American Express Created with Sketch.
Diners Club Created with Sketch.
Disocver Created with Sketch.
apple-pay Created with Sketch.
google-pay-primary-logo Created with Sketch.
Group 9 Created with Sketch.
Smaller than a large smartphone, our payment terminal can be used on-the-go, on a table or coutertop, or mounted to a sign or kiosk.
Allows for 4-8 custom quick-pay amounts and ‘no signature required for fast check-out. Or use shopping cart mode for a more complete checkout experience.
Customers opt to receive receipts when they provide their phone number or email address. Or directly print receipts to any bluetooth printer.
Track payments by employee with our same device, multi-user support. Or, use multiple devices for the same event or time period.

Superb Configuration & Reporting System

Simple setup and customization gives patron, event, payment type and user detailed reporting.

Enter into a simple agreement with us to start taking credit card payments. We will remit the money to your bank with a detailed statement and reporting.

Easily set up different configurations so that payments and sales can be tracked by event, type, user or other, whether one or multiple devices are used.
Your own page on our Patron Portal to link to from your website so your customers can download receipts and get a history of their transactions.
Quickly and easily export reports to Excel with our push-button export tool
Designed in USACreated with Sketch.

Designed & Supported in the USA

Device SpecificationsCreated with Sketch.

Hardware Details

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